Areas of expertise

Quantitative Ecology

Population Ecology

Applied Statistics

Wildlife Management and Conservation

Structured Decision Making

Life History Evolution


2007 B.Sc., Biology – University of Montpellier, France

2009 Engineering Degree (Agronomical Sciences) – Montpellier SupAgro, France

2010 M.Sc., Ecology and Evolution – University of Montpellier, France

2013 Ph.D., Ecology and Environmental Sciences – Montana State University, USA

Professional Experience

2020 – now Postdoctoral Researcher – CEFE-CNRS, France
MAPE project : Impacts of wind farms on bird populations

2019 – 2020 Wildlife and statistical consultant – Calao Wildlife Consulting
Various missions of analytical and research expertise

2017 – 2019 Postdoctoral Researcher – University of Montpellier, France
Adaptive Monitoring and demography of Golden Eagles in French National Parks

2014 – 2017 Postdoctoral Researcher – Pennsylvania State University, USA
Methodological development and management of amphibians in North America

2010 – 2013 Graduate Research Assistant (PhD) – Montana State University, USA
Environmental drivers and individual variance in a Weddell seal population

2009 – 2010 Graduate Research Assistant (MSc) – University of Montpellier, France

Immunology and survival effects of a bacterial pathogen on seabirds

2009 Foreign Research Internship – Montana State University, USA
Effect of an extreme environmental disturbance on a Weddell seal population

2007 – 2008 Honours Research Project (BSc) – University of Montpellier, France
Improving detectability and the monitoring design of a seabird population

2006 – 2008 Field Research Assistant – Hornøya, Norway

(Summers) Monitoring and serological sampling of an Arctic seabird population

Field Work Experience

2015 – 2016 Salamander monitoring, Sonoran Desert (Mexico and Southern Arizona)

2014 Amphibian community monitoring, Appalachians (Shenandoah National Park)

2013 – 2015 White Shark population monitoring, California Coast (Point Reyes)

2010 – 2013 Seal population monitoring (field crew leader), Antarctica (Erebus Bay)

2008 Seabird disease monitoring, French Mediterranean (Port Cros Island)

2006 – 2010 Seabird population monitoring, Norwegian Arctic (Hornøya Island)

Teaching Experience

2019 Wildlife and population management (Masters). University of Montpellier. France

2018 Wildlife and population management (Masters). University of Montpellier. France
Methods in ecology (Masters). EPHE, University of Montpellier. France
Principles of population dynamics (Masters). EPHE, University of Montpellier. France.

2017 Methods in ecology (Masters). University of Montpellier. France
Principles of population dynamics (Masters). University of Montpellier. France.
Introduction to Bayesian statistics: theory and applications. Free Workshop. CNRS. France

2016 Mark-Recapture and Occupancy Studies (Masters &PhDs). Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA.

2015 Analysis and Management of Vertebrate Populations and Communities. (Masters &PhDs). University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA.